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We Are?

WHO are we?

At our mission is to help prevent the disastrous effects of water scarcity & microplastic pollution.

The Facts

water drop icon

The cost of water is rapidly increasing, whereby 80% of wastewater is not being reused. 

water supply icon

By 2025, two-thirds of the world may face water shortages in the face of increased demand due to population growth, rising inequality and increased urbanisation. 

clothes icon

The washing of synthetic clothing has led to disturbing and adverse effects for the environment.


We can reuse.

90% of water waste from laundry rooms can be reused. 

The solution is to stop the flow of waste water consequently of microplastic.

90% of waterwaste


Ask yourself this: Do we really need new water for each water cycle, just to wash our clothes? 

NO.  We must stop the flow of water waste by reusing water intelligently, which will stem the flow of microplastic pollution and help alleviate water scarcity issues around the world.

Everyone Of Us Can Do Our Part! 


Move The Wheel In Calling On The Laundry Industry To Become More Environmentally Sustainable!

Spread The Word By SHARING 

About Our Cause!



Our Fight Against Water Scarcity & Microplastics  

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[tcb_post_title css=” link=’1′ rel=’0′ target=’0′ inline=’1′ static-link='{“className”:”tve-froala fr-basic”,”href”:””,”title”:”We need a care symbol for sustainable laundry.”,”class”:”tve-froala fr-basic”}’]

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When Consumers Want Change, Companies Will Follow.

Consumers Change

With Your Help, We Can Help Turn The Tide!

The Upside: Companies and legislators have an obligation to implement environmentally sustainable practices, so let us call on them to enact change to prevent water scarcity and microplastic pollution!

wash cyclewash cycle vertical

Did You Know?

Most of us are exposed to ingesting around 5 grams of plastic every week. That is like taking out your credit card and eating it with your toast once a week!

Here’s what you can do

Add your voice

Join us on this journey to help protect the environment by signing our petition that calls for circular water cycle systems for washing machines


Let’s raise awareness and inform our fellow global citizens about this issue. Share our petition, share our #hashtags, and inform the world about the important role of water recycling systems for laundry’s.

together we reduce

Our strength is in our numbers. Let’s help enact change together and implement radical positive change!

Here’s What You Can Do

Add Your Voice

Join us on this journey to help protect the environment by signing our petition that calls for circular water cycle systems for washing machines.

Do Your Part

Let’s raise awareness and inform our fellow global citizens about this issue. Share our petition, share our #hashtags, and inform the world about the important role of water recycling systems for laundry’s. 

together we reduce

Our strength is in our numbers. Let’s help enact change together and implement radical positive change! 

Our Demand In Numbers

See How The Movement Is Tracking So Far

3 645








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I’m in!

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Am Kanal 16-18,14467 Potsdam

+49 176 376 478 82

contact: UG Am Kanal 16-18,14467 Potsdam

Phone number: +49 176 376 478 82

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